Apicurio Studio documentation
Welcome to the Apicurio Studio version 1.0.0 documentation. Navigate using the left menu.
Apicurio Studio enables you to design schemas and API definitions. It provides a web console to make it easy for API owners and developers to manage the content of event schemas and API definitions.
This is a project in early stages of development. It will replace the legacy version of Apicurio Studio with a code-base built from scratch on top of a newer technology stack. As a result, some features that are available in the previous versions are not yet implemented in the new version. For more details, see the Apicurio Studio 1.0: The Awakening blog post. |
About this documentation
This document introduces Apicurio Studio, explains how to install with your chosen storage option, and how to manage event schemas and API designs using the Apicurio Studio web console and REST API.
Getting help with Apicurio Studio
See the Apicurio Studio project on GitHub. Any contributions, suggestions, and issue reports are welcome.
Create an issue on GitHub if you find any problems.