Apicurio Registry Operator quickstart

You can quickly install the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line by using Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs).

The quickstart example deploys your Apicurio Registry instance with in-memory storage:

The recommended installation option for production environments is the OpenShift OperatorHub. The recommended storage option is an SQL database for performance, stability, and data management.

Apicurio Registry Operator quickstart

You can quickly deploy the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line, without the Operator Lifecycle Manager, by executing a single command.

  1. Choose the $NAMESPACE to use:

    export NAMESPACE="default"
  2. Get the installation file and apply it to your cluster:

    curl -sSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry-operator/v1.1.0-v2.4.12.final/install/install.yaml" |
    sed "s/apicurio-registry-operator-namespace/$NAMESPACE/g" | kubectl apply -f - -n $NAMESPACE
    To deploy an older release of Apicurio Registry Operator, follow the documentation for that version. If you are deploying on OpenShift, use the oc command with the same arguments.

Quickstart Apicurio Registry instance deployment

To quickly create a new Apicurio Registry instance deployment, use the in-memory storage option, which does not require an external storage to be configured as a prerequisite.

  • Ensure that the Apicurio Registry Operator is already installed.

  1. Use a $NAMESPACE where the Apicurio Registry Operator is deployed:

    export NAMESPACE="default"
  2. Create an ApicurioRegistry custom resource (CR):

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry-operator/v1.1.0-v2.4.12.final/docs/modules/ROOT/examples/apicurioregistry_mem_cr.yaml -n $NAMESPACE
    Example CR for in-memory storage
    apiVersion: registry.apicur.io/v1
    kind: ApicurioRegistry
      name: example-apicurioregistry-mem
        persistence: "mem" # Optional (default value)
        # NOTE: No additional configuration required for *dev* deployment
    To deploy an older release of Apicurio Registry Operator, follow the documentation for that version. If you are deploying to OpenShift, use the oc command with the same arguments.

Apicurio Registry Operator distribution bundle

Since version 1.0.0, the Apicurio Registry Operator project is distributed with an additional archive file containing installation files for the Operator, with example ApicurioRegistry custom resource files. In addition, full Apicurio Registry Operator documentation and license information are included.

Docker images for the Operator and the Operand are distributed using a public registry.

For released versions, you can find the distribution on the Apicurio Registry Operator releases page. For information about how to build the bundle for development versions, see the Apicurio Registry Operator GitHub repository.